Live Meeting attendee installation instructions

  1. Install Miscrosoft Office Live Meeting 2007 client from here.
  2. Open the meeting invitation from your email and click on ‘Join the meeting’.
  3. Click on ‘Join Meeting’ to open the file ‘launch.rtc’. This will bring up the Miscosoft Office Live Meeting window. You may need to enter your name to join the meeting.
  4. Make sure you are listed in Attendees.
  5. Meeting starts now…


  1. Open the meeting invitation and click on ‘Join the meeting’.
  2. You will get a new window ‘Microsoft Office Live Meeting – Join A Meeting’.
  3. Scroll down to install the Office Live Meeting client (15MB) and Click on ‘Accept Terms and Install Client’ (or) Click on ‘Accept Terms and Use Live Meeting Web Access’. But it will have less functionality than we need, so we do not recommend it.
  4. Download and install the LMSetup.exe file.
  5. Scroll to the top of the same webpage and click on ‘Join Meeting’ to open the file ‘launch.rtc’. This will bring up the Miscosoft Office Live Meeting window.
  6. Make sure you are listed in Attendees.
  7. Meeting starts now…

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